OSF-1 |
caspase-8 p41 |
[osteoblast-specific factor-2] OSF-2 is a heparin binding secreted protein of 811 amino acids (approximately 90 kDa) selectively expressed in bone (Takeshita et al, 1993). It acts as a trans-acting factor, which can promote osteoblast differentiation.
Horiuchi et al (1999) have identified the protein as a disulfide linked 90 kDa protein that is highly homologous to Beta-IG-H3. The factor is secreted by osteoblasts and osteoblast-like cell lines. Several transcripts arising by alternative splicing have been observed and these are expressed differentially in various cell lines. In adult mice, the protein is expressed preferentially in periosteum and periodontal ligament and its expression in primary
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