OCX-36 |
stem cell markers |
[Odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein] ODAM is the approved gene symbol for a secreted protein identified originally as Apin, an amyloid associated with calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors (Moffat et al, 2008; Murphy et al, 2008). The protein is expressed by ameloblasts and is thought to play a role in odontogenesis. ODAM accumulates at the interface with enamel where an atypical basal lamina is present. ODAM is expressed also in the junctional epithelium, a specialized epithelial structure that adheres to the tooth surface, seals off periodontal tissues from the oral environment, and may play a role in the regeneration of this epithelium (Nishio et al, 2010; Dos Santos Neves et al, 2012).
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