meibomian gland acinar cells |
Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1 |
also: meibomian gland acinar cells. This term refers to highly specialized secretory cells in the Meibomian glands, also known as tarsal glands, embedded in the tarsal plate of the eyelid. These glands are modified sebaceous glands (see also: sebocytes) (Obata, 2002). Lipids secreted by these glands (see: Butovich et al, 2016) play an important role in the maintenance of the ocular surface tear film and form the most superficial layer that prevents evaporation and protects against excessive dehydration (Driver and Lemp, 1996). With age, older meibomian glands in the mouse undergo atrophic changes that include reduced meibocyte differentiation and lipid production (Nien et al, 2009; Jester et al, 2015). Cheriyan T et al (2011) have reported that meibocytes produce Lubricin.
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