lethal yellow agouti |
NR-13 |
[large external transformation-sensitive protein] LETS, named by Hynes and Bye (1974) is a protein of approximately 250 kDa that is either undetectable on, or shows reduced expression in, various virally transformed fibroblasts and other cell types after transformation (Chen et al, 1976). The protein has been described independently as Z protein (Robbins et al, 1974) or CSP [cell surface protein] by Yamada and Weston (1974). It has been identified also as galactoprotein A.
Ruoslahti and Vaheri (1974) have shown that LETS protein is closely related to a previously identified plasma protein, cold insoluble globulin (Mosesson et al, 1975, Mosher, 1975), which, in turn is a variant of fibronectin.
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