H2A histone family member X |
H2-M3 |
CD200 receptor 2 |
[histone H2AX] abbr. and approved gene symbol: H2AFX [H2A histone family member X].
This factor was found in the serum-free conditioned medium of CS 2 cells (autonomous subline of Shionogi carcinoma 115) cultured without testosterone. It was purified as a heparin binding activity promoting the growth of murine androgen-responsive Shionogi carcinoma 115 cells and BALB/c 3T3 cells. The amino acid sequence of the purified factor was identical with Histone H2AX. Histone H2AX expressed from its cDNA in Escherichia coli shows the same activity on growth of SC115 cells cultured in the absence of testosterone.
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