Gram-positive Specific Serine protease |
Granin A |
vCXC-2 |
[Gram-negative, Gram-positive]
The Gram stain (named after the Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram) is a standard, inexpensive and rapid procedure for the visualization and primary classification of bacteria (Beveridge, 2001). It employs a basic dye that stains all bacteria, for example, crystal violet or Gentiana violet, subsequent treatment with an iodine solution, and further treatment with alcohol/acetone. Gram-negative bacteria become decolorized, whereas Gram-positive bacteria retain the original colour. Frequently, a second counterstain is used, for example Safranin or carbol fuchsin, which then stains the Gram-negative bacteria pink.
The differences in staining behaviour are based on differences in cell wall structures with Gram-negative bacteria
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