gastric surface mucous cells |
Gastrin-1 |
Waldemar Kolanus |
approved gene symbol: GAST. abbr. and previous symbol: GAS.
Gastrin has been identified originally as a factor produced in the antrum of the stomach that stimulates gastric acid secretion (Edkins and Cantab, 1905). It has been purified first from hog antral mucosa and sequenced (Gregory and Tracy, 1964). The gastrin gene is a single-copy gene (Wiborg et al, 1984). Different gastrin peptides are derived from a single progastrin molecule, which in mammals has the same overall structure and size (Yoo et al, 1982; Boel et al, 1983; Fuller et al, 1987; Lund et al, 1989; Gantz et al, 1990).
Gastrin is synthesized as a large precursor molecule (101 amino acids in man and 104 amino acids in most other species) that is converted to progastrin (80 amino acids in man) by cleavage of the amino-terminal signal peptide
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