Langhans cells |
DQMD is a tetrapeptide sequence at or near the site required for cleavage of the baculovirus p35 protein by CED3 / ICE family proteases (Bertin et al, 1996).
zDQMD-fmk (fluoromethylketone derivative), zDQMD (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-derivative), and Ac-DQMD-CHO (N-acetylated aldehyde) are potent cell-permeable inhibitors of caspase-3. Matza-Porges S et al (2003) have reported that expression of a short peptide of 15 amino acids, including DQMD leads to abrogation of the apoptotic cascade. Treatment of cells, expressing the DQMD peptide with two apoptosis inducers, etoposide and sodium nitroprusside blocks
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