Cristin-4 |
Membrane-associated neurotransmitter stimulating factor |
[CT10-related kinase 2] crk-2 is a splice variant of the crk oncogene identified originally as a transforming gene (CT10 oncogene) encoded by the avian sarcoma virus CT10. The protein is composed essentially of SH2 and SH3 domains (Matsuda et al, 1992; Reichman et al, 1992). crk-1 differs from crk-2 in that it lacks 170 nucleotides. While crk-1 possesses one SH2 domain and one SH3 domain, crk-2 possesses two copies of the SH3 domain at the carboxyterminal end. All cell lines expressing crk-1 protein show altered morphology, proliferate in soft agar, and grow as massive tumors in nude
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