Bacillus anthracis phosphatidyl choline-preferring phospholipase C |
Bacillus cereus hemolysin 2 |
Herpes simplex virus entry protein B |
[anthrax toxin]
This major virulence factor of anthrax reproduces most of the laboratory manifestations of the disease in animals.
Anthrax toxin is a heterotrimeric protein consisting of protective antigen (abbr. PrAg, PA; 83 kDa), lethal factor (abbr. LF; 90 kDa) and edema factor (abbr. EF; 89 kDa) (Bhatnagar and Batra, 2001; Mourez, 2004). Bacillus anthracis plasmid pXO1 carries the structural genes for the three toxins. Edema factor factor is encoded by the cya gene. Lethal factor is encoded by the lef gene. Protective antigen is encoded by the pag gene. Complexes of protective antigen
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