Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 11 |
bareskin |
[BAR domains]
[Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs domain] The acronym BAR derives from three proteins in which the domain was observed first as a region of homology (Sivadon P et al, 1995; David et al, 1994): Bin1 [bridging integrator 1], known also as amphiphysin-2, is a putative tumor suppressor (Sakamuro et al, 1996) and is involved in muscle T tubule biogenesis (Lee et al, 2002). Amphiphysin is a neuronal protein first identified in chicken synaptic membranes that has been shown to be the autoantigen of Stiff-Man Syndrome associated with breast cancer (David et al, 1994). Yeast proteins Rvs167 and Rvs161 (rvs standing for 'reduced viability upon starvation) are involved in cell entry into stationary phase upon exposure to unfavourable growth conditions (Bauer et al, 1993; Crouzet et al, 1993).
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