androtropin |
ANF[4-28] |
IL17B |
[Atrial natriuretic factor; atrionatriuretic factor] This factor, described first by De Bold et al (1981) as a potent natriuretic activity present in rat atrial myocardium extracts, is called also Atrial natriuretic polypeptide (or atrial natriuretic peptide; abbr. ANP; also: atrial NP), Atrial polypeptide or Atriopeptin (abbr. AP) (Yamanaka et al, 1984; Kanagawa and Matsuo, 1984; Needleman and Greenwald, 1986). The approved gene symbol for ANF is NPPA [natriuretic peptide precursor type A, Natriuretic peptides A]. The gene is being referred to also as
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