O teloblasts |
OTF3 |
ATG16L1 |
[Oligodendroglial trophic factor] This biochemically uncharacterized protein of 50-70 kDa was isolated from the salt extract of crude membranes from neonatal rat brain Kreider et al, 1995). It increases the numbers of oligodendroglia in mixed glial cultures prepared from neonatal rat cerebral white matter. OTF is a mitogen for oligodendroglia, and to a lesser extent, for oligodendroglial progenitor (O-2A cells).
Treatment of cells with OTF generates a population of oligodendroglia expressing galactocerebroside, myelin-associated glycoprotein and 2', 3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase without expressing myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein. OTF does not stimulate proliferation of astroglial cells,
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