MjALF2 |
Mj-AMP1 |
NPR1 |
[Mirabilis jalapa antimicrobial peptides] Mj-AMP1 (QCIGNGGRCNENVGPPYCCSGFCLRQPGQGYGYCKNR) and Mj-AMP2 (CIGNGGRCNENVGPPYCCSGFCLRQPNQGYGVCRNR) are highly basic antimicrobial peptides isolated from seeds of Mirabilis jalapa L (Cammue et al, 1992). Both peptides contain three disulfide bridges and differ from one another only by 4 amino acids. The cDNAs have been cloned by De Bolle et al (1995).
Both peptides are active against many plant pathogenic fungi, two tested Gram-positive bacteria but inactive on Gram-negative bacteria and cultured human cells. Transgenic
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