perineural cells |
Perineurial glial cells |
tachykinin receptor 1 |
[perineurium, perineurial cell]
These cells, called also perineural cells, form the perineurium, the middle layer of the protective perineural sheath surrounding peripheral nerves (see also: endoneurium, epineurium). They are organized in several concentric layers of overlapping, polygonal cells connected by tight junctions at the interdigitating cell borders (Thomas 1963). These cell layers alternate with extracellular matrix and a thick basement membrane (Gamble and Eames 1964).
These cells isolate the bundle of axons from the surrounding connective tissue and form part of a diffusion barrier (Allt and Lawrenson 2000; Kristensson and Olsson 1971; Ghabriel et al, 1989).
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