Oxyopinins |
oxyphilic cells |
tyrosine-rich amelogenin polypeptide |
[oxyphil cell]
These cells are found in the parathyroid glands of certain animal species and humans. The human fetal parathyroid gland does not contain these cells. They appear first in late childhood and increase in number with advancing age (Nakagami et al, 1968). Long-term stimulation of human parathyroid glands increases the numbers of oxyphil cells (Sherwood et al, 1970). Parathyroids of the rat, chicken, and many species of lower animals do not contain these cells (Cortelyou and McWhinnie, 1967; Fujii and Isono, 1972; Roth and Raisz, 1963)
Oxyphil cells have a high content of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes (Harcourt-Webster and Truman, 1969; Tremblay and Pearse, 1959). The
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