Heparin binding brain mitogen |
Heparin binding EGF |
natural killer-like B-cells |
[heparin binding consensus motifs, heparin binding consensus motif, heparin binding site, heparin binding sites, heparin binding domains, heparin binding region, heparin binding regions, heparin binding sequence, heparin binding sequences]
Heparin binding sites are found in a large number of proteins that interact with heparin. These proteins include enzymes, protease/esterase inhibitors, pathogen proteins, growth factors, and chemokines (Capila and Linhardt, 2002; Muñoz and Linhardt, 2004). Frequently, cytokines and chemokines interact with glycosaminoglycans on the cell surface through heparin binding domains. These interactions play an important role in inflammatory responses because mediators are localized to specific anatomical sites, where they function to direct leukocyte
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