effector B-cells |
effector cell protease receptor 1 |
[effector caspase]
This term refers to some members of a group of evolutionarily conserved cysteine proteases the cleavage substrate of which contains an aspartate residue (a cysteine aspartase; see: caspases) (for overview on evolution see also: Grinshpon et al, 2019). These enzymes, known also as death effector caspases (for a more general term see: also cell death caspases), are part of a proteolytic cascades that involves cleavage of many different cellular protein substrates vital for cell functions (so-called death substrates). These processes are very complex and in some cases cleavage of death substrates increases their activity, while in others their function is destroyed. The activity of these enzymes culminates in cell death by apoptosis.
With reference to the
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