uterine trNK-cells |
Uteroferrin |
kallikrein-related peptidase-like 4 |
This name has been given by Liu et al (1997) to SIP24 and 24p3, two proteins identified independently and renamed subsequently Lipocalin-2. The name Uterocalin refers to the fact that the protein is a member of the lipocalin family and appears to be expressed at high levels in epithelial cells of the uterus around birth. The authors have suggested that Uterocalin may be part of the local inflammatory response associated with parturition.
Suire et al (2001) have reported that the protein is secreted by endometrial cells. The protein binds fatty acids and retinol and appears to be involved in the attachment of the equine conceptus. Ryon et al (2002) have reported that
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