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[SA cell]
[short axon cells] SA cells are one of several morphologically and functionally distinct neurons found in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb (see also: JG cells [juxtaglomerular cells]). SA cells are dopaminergic / GABAergic neurons (Price and Powell, 1970; Getchell and Sheperd, 1975; Kiyokage et al, 2010). SA cells regulate interglomerular processing. Their processes make long-range connections and contact multiple glomeruli, the initial sites of synaptic integration in the olfactory pathway. SA cells have infrequently branched dendrites contacting 2-4 glomeruli (Price and Powell, 1970; Pinching and Powell, 1971) and long thin interglomerular processes that ramify over distances up to 1 mm (Aungst et al, 2003).
Cells referred to as
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