Pantinins |
Panurgine-1 |
induced Tregs |
abbr. PVL. This cytotoxin is produced by less than 5 % of Staphylococcus aureus isolates (Prevost et al, 1995). The toxin is a bicomponent compound (Woodin, 1959, 1960) consisting of two distinct polypeptides encoded by the LukS and LukF genes that are harboured by a prophage in the genome of Staphylococcus aureus (Kaneko et al, 1998). The F component is shared by a second toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus gamma-hemolysin (Kamio et al, 1993). The two proteins are 32.3 kDa (lukS) and 34.3 kDa (lukF).
The toxin induces the opening of calcium ion channels responsible for an influx of calcium ions (Staali et al, 1998) and the formation of membrane pores in the target cells
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