OL-64 |
Oldeide antigen |
[Oldeide antigen] This very low frequency blood group antigen has been found in a Norwegian family (Kornstad, 1986). Erythrocytes expressing this antigen show weakened expression of Rhesus blood group antigens Rh D, RH C and Rh E. The antigen has been shown to be located on RHAG [Rh-associated glycoprotein] (Daniels et al, 2009; Tilley et al, 2010), which, in the nomenclature of CD antigens, has received the designation CD241.
Tilley et al (2010) have renamed the Ola antigen RHAG2 [Rh-associated glycoprotein 2]. They have shown that the antigen is due to a 680C>T mutation, encoding Ser227Leu.
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