ING2b |
ING4 |
viral G-protein-coupled receptor |
[inhibitor of growth 3] This protein is known also as p47ING3 (Nagashima et al, 2003). This putative tumor suppressor gene has been cloned by Gunduz et al (2002). The gene is expressed in human heart, skeletal muscle, thymus, spleen, kidney, liver, placenta, and peripheral blood leukocytes. It is not expressed in brain, colon, small intestine, or lung. Decreased or no expression is observed in approximately 63 % of tongue and larynx tumors (Nagashima et al, 2003; Gunduz et al, 2002).
Nagashima et al (2003) have reported that ING3 expression levels vary among cancer cell lines. ING3 overexpression results in a decreased population of cells in S phase, a diminished colony-forming efficiency, and induces
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