Granzyme 3 |
Granzyme A-activated DNase |
Gamma-enolase(138-168) |
Granzyme A, called also granzyme 1 (Hameed et al, 1988) (approved gene symbol GZMA), is one of the serine proteases (see: granzymes) that is located in the granules of cytotoxic T-cells and NK-cells. The enzyme functions in the lysis of target cells by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Granzyme A (Masson and Tschopp, 1987) has been identified as a trypsin-like serine protease in cytolytic T-lymphocytes, which was named Hanukah factor (abbr. H factor, HF) (abbr. HFSP; Hanukah factor serine protease
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