6-sulfo LacNAc dendritic cells |
7A6 |
Cytokine flow cytometry |
[Coronavirus 7a protein; Coronavirus U122 protein] This gene, is encoded by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). A previous designation is U122, which Fielding et al (2004) have identified as a unique group-specific protein of SARS coronavirus. In some studies the protein is being referred to also as coronavirus X4 protein or Coronavirus ORF7a protein, encoded by open reading frame ORF7a.
Overexpression of 7a induces cell death by apoptosis by a pathway that depends on caspases (Tan et al, 2004). Tan et al (2007) have shown that the overexpression of BCLxL blocks apoptosis induced by 7a. 7a interacts with
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